Happy On

Wierzbiański Filip is an expert in branding and design for business

Branding /
Graphic Design

Website Building Tutorial


What is User Experience?

User and Customer

Happy On is a new service of birthday, thematic rooms. Ideas for events are based on trends that teenagers love - for example games or social medias. For Happy On I designed branding (logo included), website with events booking and plan for customer service (customer experience).

Table of Contents

Project Goals

Researching User In user Experience is important process

Perform User Research to understand client needs and his attitude.

Branding need to be based on real users insights and data

Design friendly and consistent branding.

Customer Experience is process of designing experience for customer

Deliver website with automatisation in the birthday booking process and friendly Customer Experience.

User Research is important process in design thinking
User Research Tools and analysis


To understand my audience better, first I needed to learn more about them.

Ask about their experience with birthday parties services, their perspectives and pain points.

Researching User In user Experience is important process

In-depth interview

Understanding parents and teenagers by In-depth interviews. One of basic User Experience processes.
Branding need to be based on real users insights and data

Creating user personas

Strategically mapping out the most important traits of clients, to be aware of them while designing.

I broke down clients into 2 personas - teenagers and parents.
Understanding clients by persona creation
Website for company

Mapping customer journey through product
and his purchasing process.

Figuring out what customer is feeling and thinking on every phase of contact with the product, allows us to create experience, that is perfectly suited.

This is what Customer Experience is.
It's giving insights into new ways of finding clients, dealing with them correctly and making them come back.
This process created, among other things, how booking system works (we will cover this topic further).


Logo is expressing childen's happiness (Happy) and switching into game, another world (On).

Website Design

Created to aim
researched clients.

Vibrant colors and analogies to games or social media are used to attract teenagers and their parents.
Design of system for booking events

Booking system
on website

Making client feel understood

Big part of familiar Customer Experience is a booking system that makes sure that client has all the information needed. Among other things, it send reminding SMS before event or sends ticket to party by email.

Automatisation and highest quality of service.

Designed system structures how client is finding Happy On, how marketing is giving him full information needed for decision and how client is dealt while using the service. This guarantee highest quality of service and clients comfort, who always has information up to date.
User Experience is part of Customer Experience
Portfolio of great multidisciplinary designer

What was successful
in this project?

  • Delivering User and Customer Experience, that really suits clients need,

  • Creating Website with booking, that works and looks good,

  • Designing fresh branding that cooperates with Happy On mission and services.
  • ✌️

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